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PI, Collaborative Research: Process-Informed Latent Space Representation, Learning, and Monitoring for Smart Personalized Manufacturing, NSF CMMI – 2328455, $300K, 06/01/2024 – 05/31/2027.
PI, 3D Terahertz Imaging System with FPGA Accelerator for Robust Defect Detection, Pratt & Whitney Institute for Collaborative Engineering Board, $100K of total $240K (PI in S. Korea: Gyungsu Byun), 08/2022∼ 8/2024.
PI, “Smart Multi-Nozzle, Multi-Material 3D Printing System for Fabrication of High-Temperature Plastic Composites Parts,” Pratt & Whitney Institute for Collaborative Engineering Board, $120K of total $240K (PI in S. Korea: Joo-Hyung Kim), 07/01/2020∼ 06/30/2022.
PI, “On-Site Non-Intrusive Inspection and Maintenance System Using Terahertz Imaging and Artificial Intelligent Accelerating,” Pratt & Whitney Institute for Collaborative Engineering Board, $120K of total $240K (PI in S. Korea: Gyungsu Byun), 07/01/2020∼ 06/30/2022.
Senior Personnel/Co-PI, “ECR: PEER: Development of Modular, Scalable, and Extensible Advanced Manufacturing Curriculum,” NSF DUE-1935712, $156K of total $1,999,846, (PI: SK Gupta), 08/2019-08/2023.
Co-PI, AM Data Modeling for Machine Learning and Data-Centric Analytics, DOE Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CESMII), $60K, 12/2019∼6/2021 (PI: Honeywell Aerospace).
Lead PI, “Collaborative Research: EAGER: Explore the Theoretical Framework of Engineering Knowledge Transfer in Cybermanufacturing Systems”, NSF CMMI-1744121, $50K of total $160K, 08/15/2017 – 08/14/2018 (PIs: A. Sabbaghi at Purdue U; M. Plumlee at U of Michigan; H. Wang at FSU).
Leading PI, “CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Smart Calibration Through Deep Learning for High Confidence and Interoperable Cyber-Physical Additive Manufacturing Systems,” NSF CMMI-1544917, $350K, 9/2015 – 08/2019, (PI at Purdue U: A. Sabbaghi, $300K).
PI, “RAMP-UP: Robust and Smart Control of Additive Manufacturing Processes for High Geometric Accuracy,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), US Department of Energy; ORNL grant #: 4000145653, $100K, 03/15/2016∼03/14/2017, under ORNL “Research for Additive Manufacturing Program – University Partnerships (RAMP-UP)”.
Co-PI (50% effort), “Cyber-Enabled Manufacturing Systems (CeMS): Real-Time Shape Compensation for Accurate Direct Digital Manufacturing,” Office of Naval Research, ONR Grant# N000141110671, $439,645, 2011-2014 (PI: Y. Chen at USC).
Co-PI, “Bayesian process control for nanomanufacturing with mixed resolution information,” Hong Kong RGC (Research Grant Council), 2009-2011 (PI: F. Tsung, Co-PI: J. Shi).
PI, “Analysis of Correlated Functional Variables for Manufacturing Process Diagnosis,” $280K, NSF CMMI-0600066, 2006-2009, (Co-PI, A. Kumar) (Including the supplement request of $15K for Cyberinfrastructure Experiences for Graduate Students (CIEG)).
Co-PI, “Nanoengineered, Manufacturable, Ion-Implantation Seeded Silica Nanowires for Sensitive BioScreening, ” NSF CMMI-0700659, $289,980, 2007~2010 (PI: S. Bhansali).
PI, “Multiscale Nanostructure Growth Modeling for Control of Nanomanufacturing,” Functional Multiscale Materials by Design Initiative, University of South Florida, Summer Support, 2007.
PI, “Measurement Strategy for Serial-Parallel Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems with Real-Time RF-Tag Information,” sponsored by NSF ERC-RMS at University of Michigan (Co-PI: Dr. R. Katz, Chief Engineer at ERC-RMS), 2004.
PI, “Process Control based on Multivariate Functional Data,” USF Internal Award, 2004.